With my greatest thanks for the kindness and care with which you and your colleagues addressed the transport of my husband.
Maria Fernanda Castro
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The Amo Vida Ambulances aims to ensure the support and specialized ambulatory and suitable transport to the sick and injured as well as to people who are unable to use public transport or other, due to his health condition and limitations.

Aspires to ensure all types of transportation, in response to your needs, thus ensuring the specialized transport between residences/hospitals/clinics, in cases of hospitalization or hospital discharge, inter-hospitals transfers or for conducting clinical exams in clinics or labs outside the hospital. Also guarantees the international transport by land or air.

Offers its contracted clients, as well as to private clients, transport adapted to the needs of each particular situation.

All our ambulances are properly equipped and are regularly inspected by INEM, thus ensuring the comfort, safety and all other necessary conditions for proper care and handling of our customers. In the fulfillment of our mission, our ambulances are manned, depending on the nature of the service to be provided, by teams consisting of Ambulance Technicians, Nurses and Doctors. All of our teams are duly certified for the best performance of their duties and have proven their professionalism. They are all holders of unique qualification in the field of pre-hospital medical emergency, hospital medical emergency and ambulance driving.

The Amo Vida Ambulances provides services for:

- Official Organisms
- Hemodialysis clinics
- Public hospitals
- Private hospitals
- Insurance companies
- Health Sub-systems as ADSE, ADME, SAD/GNR; SAD/PSP; etc.
- Senior Homes and Home Care companies
- Private Clients
- Airline Companies
- Support for cultural events, sports events, etc.

Our Clients
Confidence and experience
OMNI Aviation
Centro Hospital Psiquiátrico de Lisboa
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa
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