... It is my intention and our department’s to thank the exceptional and indispensable collaboration of Mr. Jorge Baptista for the disassembly procedure of the Electric Wheelchair belonging to the patient. The procedure in reference allowed our client's return to Romania with all the baggage required, considering his conditioned mobility.
Fernando Cássio, MD
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Amo Vida Formation
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- Trainers
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- Accreditation and Regulations
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You will find in Amo Vida Training a highly qualified teaching staff, close and able. Our trainers force is composed of a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and emergency medical technicians working in the day-to-day in hospitals and civil protection agents, such as, INEM and firefighters stations. All with extensive experience in the field of pre-hospital emergency, intensive care and emergency services, where daily apply the techniques and materials that convey the courses of Amo Vida Training.
All trainers who work with us have appropriate pedagogical training and real practice experience, as well as long hours of training provided annually because only then we can offer reliable and quality solutions.

For BLS and BLS-AED courses we are accredited by the National Institute of Medical Emergency School -  INEM, that is, all trainers who teach these courses attended the INEM training labs and are duly certified by this institute.

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Think you have the necessary requirements to join our trainers force?
Apply via the online form.

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